For Companies

Our Lab is equipped with technologically advanced automation solutions and is able to carry out state-of-the-art researches in the field. The MERLIN group can help companies in the development of ideas and innovative processes using robot technology.

In accordance with the institutional goals of the Politecnico di Milano and its rules, the MERLIN group can carry out many activities for public and private companies, both for SMEs and we all for large enterprises:

  1. Technical feasibility study
  2. Simulations
  3. Concept and prototype development

Partnerships may be carried out with the following forms of contract:

  • Research contracts to carry out planned research activities or critical investigations to learn novel knowledge in the scientific and technical field;
  • Teaching contract for specific courses, seminars, and workshops for professional qualification and technological update.

Finally, the cooperation between the group and public or private companies may be carried out through the participation (as a partnership) to projects funded or promoted by public bodies at regional, national and international levels.